Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tertiary Assessment Symposium Revisited

On Thursday 27 November 2008, Hazel Owen and Helen Martin (Centere of Teaching and Learning Innovation) re-presented their Tertiary Assessment Symposium paper - "Using online tools to provide relevant, authentic and timely assessment". The paper represents an extended version of that given in Wellington, with more detail and discussion invited.

Below is the abstract for the paper:
"Assessment practice is at its most rich when assessment events are relevant, authentic and timely.  Relevant assessment is that which is inextricably linked to learning outcomes designed to meet an agreed graduate profile (Biggs, 1999).  Authentic assessment requires students to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential skills and knowledge.  Timely assessment provides students with the opportunity to apply skills and knowledge gained as they learn.  Teaching and learning in a blended format enables relevant, authentic and timely assessment that is greatly facilitated by the use of online tools, including self-grading, simulation and problem-based approaches, activities that require reflection and peer-review and the electronic delivery of assessment tasks.  Drawing on Bloom's extended taxonomy of cognitive development (Anderson, Krathwohl & Bloom , 2001) and sociocultural theory (Vygotsky, 1934) this paper will demonstrate the value of designing and using e-assessments to enhance student learning.  Examples will be explored that illustrate some of the benefits to teaching and learning offered by moving toward assessments based in flexible, mobile, collaborative learning technologies".

Please cite as: Owen, H and Martin, H. (2008, November 27). Using online tools to provide relevant, authentic and timely assessment. Paper presented at The Tertiary Assessment Symposium Revisited: Unitec Lunch Time Series. Unitec: Auckland, NZ.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Getting the most out of your text books...

This is a video that was developed especially fo the School of Natural Sciences at Unitec New Zealand. It is part of the institutions initiative to help students improve their academic literacy skills, starting from a basic 'finding your way around a book' stance.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Well - here I am. In Australia. In Melbourne. It has been a somewhat turbulent journey though and I am now sitting in not so sunny Geelong North....

Prior to my arrival in Australia, I was a little hasty in embracing wholeheartedly (and without reference to a map) the great accommodation Kelly found that was within my budget. As the owner of the motel assured us (and she is very nice) there is indeed a Deakin Uni about 20 mins walk away...just happens to be the Geelong Deakin Uni Satellite campus rather than the one where the conference is actually being held!

When I arrived on Sunday at Melbourne airport I began to be concerned after, having not found a shuttle bus to Geelong I hopped in a taxi which bowled along, and along.... About an hour and a half later and $AU 125.00 poorer, I arrived. Having found a map of Geelong I located the uni (great relief), but then could not find the correct road names - 'bugger' I thought, sulked, had a little tantie, and then set off to see if I could figure out what to do.

So, here I am about 100km away from where I should be, but luckily there is a train into Melbourne (takes about an hour - and it's only about $AU15 return, so it shouldn't blow the budget too much more) and then I'll hop on a tram to Burwood (another hour) where the conference is. Oops.

Geelong is rather attractive down by the Bay. It has an esplanade which I have run along several times now, on the first morning during sunrise which was breathtakingly beautiful. Unruffled sea, dyed blue, green and gold.

A flexible model for LMS course design

Recently I have been working with a number of faculty at Unitec NZ to develop courses in the LMSs we have (Moodle and Blackboard). Alongside the adaptation of existing courses and activities, often staff will be at a loss as to what they really want to include in an LMS course.

It was suggested that faculty, alongside considerations of how they will adapt specific activities using the ICTELT model and framework, draw up a mindmap that identifies the main functionality and design of the LMS course they wish to use. However, some faculty found this a challenge, so I have developed the following mindmap 'model'. It is flexible and users of it are encouraged to change it to suit their purposes. You will need to go to the Mindomo site where the map is hosted to view it properly.

Although the central starting point of the mindmap is labelled "course" it could just as easily be a Community of Practice, a department, or a support unit that wishes to improve their communication. Users, therfore, should change or omit any of the elements that are irrelevant to them.

Any feedback that you might have on what I have missed out, or suggestions for improvement would be very much appreciated.