Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Where do I Start? Integration of ICTELT into blended curricula

Abstract:"The potential of information communication technology (ICT) to enhance learning is under-utilised even though there are numerous process models and frameworks have been developed to assist in the design and / or adaptation of curricula. Issues with many existing design models are complex and range from the pragmatic, such as resource requirements, skills and ownership of a project, to models being mechanical, inflexible, hierarchical and / or impenetrable.

This session starts by exploring the learning and teaching value ICT can add to curricula, and then describes a process model and framework that I have adapted from existing examples. The accessible, scaffolded approach described is appropriate for very small teams or individuals working with few resources to develop resources ideal for instructors interested in blended learning and/or distance approaches.

The pedagogical underpinnings of a design process are outlined, in which practitioners identify a teaching and learning problem and assess whether ICT could enhance learners experience of new or existing programmes, modules, units, sessions, or learning objects. Guiding questions are posed to help support the process, and an iterative practice is encouraged whereby a design is developed, piloted, evaluated, revisited, modified and re-evaluated over time, with recognition that the practitioners experience, skills and attitudes are likely to shift.

The practical application of the model and framework is illustrated through an example developed for use in Moodle at UnitecNZ.

The model and framework have yet to be piloted and MoodleMoot will offer a hands-on opportunity for participants to experiment and evaluate the tools in this session by identifying a resource or session that they would like to adapt. Then, working collaboratively, in Moodle they will work through the first part of the process model by completing the framework. Feedback and comments will be gladly accepted."

Associated sites: Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/hazelowendmc/where-do-i-start-integration-of-ictelt-into-blended-curricula-presentation

Wiki: http://efest2008collaboratingbydesign.pbwiki.com/

Please cite as: Owen, H. (2008, October 8-10). Where do I Start? Integration of ICTELT into blended curricula. Paper presented at the MoodleMoot NZ 08, Eastern Institute of Technology, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand.

Information literacy skills - disipline-specific, online tutorials

You might like to check out these online, discipline-specific tutorials from the 'Virtual Training Suite'. The blurb on the site describes them as "a set of free Internet tutorials to help you develop Internet research skills for your university course", and goes on to say that "All our tutorials written and reviewed by a national team of lecturers and librarians from universities across the UK". The estimated time for each tutorial is one hour of self-directed study.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Laptops in the Classroom - fundamental questions

The other day, two colleagues asked if I knew of any videos of sound practice around students using laptops in the classroom. Actually, there appears to be a dearth of such material. I have some word pictures I could paint around the experience I have had in Dubai and at Unitec, and I am sure Thom could do the same...but not quite as visual :-)

I did however, after some hunting around come up with the range of videos:
  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzJDuBlIrHc
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOYg5ZMo-mA
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj45RmhaCQM
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkXeNR52w_o
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m8Ax5NUHhg

While watching the video, for me a number of fundamental questions arose:

  • What are the assumptions around learning indicated by what is said by students and teachers/lecturers in these videos?
  • What are the assumptions around teaching indicated by what is said by students and teachers/lecturers in these videos?
  • Was there much evidence of 'real' collaboration and co-construction of knowledge?
  • What did the educators do to facilitate 'real' collaboration and co-construction of knowledge?
I could go on, but I think four questions are about right! Thoughts, ideas, issues, concerns...?

Monday, November 2, 2009

ICTELT in Action: Applying ICT Enhanced Learning Programme Design

This video is an extract from a workshop that was facilitated by Diana Ayling and Hazel Owen with the Business Department at Unitec NZ. The workshop was part of an initiative initiated by the Business Department to revisit the programmes that they offer students, and the learning experience. Formal and informal sessions focussed on aspects such as:
  • Course design and lesson planning
  • Facilitation of learning
  • Assessment
  • Evaluating teaching and learning

A sense of the dynamic discussions that have been ongoing is captured, as well as a feelings of excitement, seeing potential, anxiety, and concerns around pragmatic issues.

The extract features discussion around the results of the ICTELT survey that participants had completed before the session, as well as dialogue around blended learning in general, and what a course that uses the ICTELT design mindmap as a foundation may feature.

(If you would like to find out more about the work that underpins some of the workshop and the ICTELT mindmap, please feel free to visit the ICT Enhanced Learning and Teaching wiki.

A discussion: ePortfolios - how are they supporting 21st Century learners?

"A discussion: ePortfolios - how are they supporting 21st Century learners?" is the recording of a conversation that occurred at the eFest meets Teaching and Learning Conference (http://efest-teach-learn.ning.com/). The discussion covered a range of themes, issues and potentials, with particular reference to the tertiary education and vocational education and training sector.

The discussion was facilitated by Justin Sampson from Ako Aotearoa, who plays a key part in the ePortfolio Community of Practice hosted by Ako (http://akoaotearoa.ac.nz/communities/eportfolios-new-zealand).

The combined conference eFest meets Teaching and Learning Conference was run from Wednesday 30 September to Friday 2 October 2009 and was hosted by UCOL in Palmerston North, NZ.