So you love Google Forms but you are too busy to use it to create your own forms. Don't worry we have some great pre-made forms for you . But before I share them with you let me just remind you of the Chinese adage that goes " don't give me a fish everyday but show me how to fish ", you might find some of the forms included below useful but it would be way better to create your own tailored to your own teaching and learning needs. This is not a hard job to do and Educational Technology and Mobile Learning is here for you to give you a hand. You can read our easy and simple guide on everything you need to know about using Google Forms in Education to get you started . It is just the first step that counts and once you take it , everything comes together for you.
After "The 10 Google Forms Templates Every Teacher Should Know About" that we have posted here a couple of months ago, today we are providing you with another great set of forms created by Kern Kelley who is one of the most reputable guys in the field of educational technology. Kern has really invested a lot of time and effort in creating these forms and on behalf of all you , we send him a big thank you for this work and don't forget to have a look at his fabulous blog The Tech Curve.You can read the rest of the post and find the links to the 22 Google Form templates created by Kern Kelley here.
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