Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Growing through collaboration....
The full report can be downloaded from the IAALD blog ( ) and covers issues such as literacy and connectivity, as well as describing the results from specific case studies.
Peter Ballantyne (the IAALD President) concludes:
"Where information and knowledge in agriculture once comprised rather linear processes managed by specialists, tomorrow’s harvests will spring from more organic approaches where innovators of all types become active creators and managers of information and knowledge. This is already happening as researchers and farmers become bloggers, extension workers build wikis, and librarians become film makers. Underlying it all, the new ‘social’ Web 2.0 acts as a catalyst for people to interact, for knowledge sharing and communication to flourish and for innovators to connect and act together." (p. 19, The Participatory Web -
New Potentials of ICT in Rural Areas)
Well worth a read if you are interested in ICT enhanced learning and teaching, literacy, the potential of Web 2.0, or anything to do with climate change and sustainability.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
If you wondered: Desktops Vs Laptops in Education
Desktops Vs Laptops in Education
From: barbwit56,
2 years ago
SlideShare Link
Monday, January 19, 2009
Approaches to developing a programme for educating students (and staff) about academic conduct and misconduct
Abstract: Sensitive consideration of general guidelines at the planning and subsequent stages of implementing an innovation, as well as the development of associated 'support' programmes, can lead to greater uptake (Bonk, Cummings, Hara, Fischler, & Lee, 2000). This report considers some underlying considerations and then suggests and critiques two approaches to developing a programme for educating students (and staff) about academic conduct/misconduct and possible strategies to avoid plagiarism.
Please reference as: Owen, H. (2007). Approaches to developing a programme for educating students (and staff) about academic conduct and misconduct using Turnitin. Auckland: Unitec New Zealand.
Approaches to developing a programme for educating students (and staff) about academic conduct and misconduct
Monday, January 5, 2009
Something for the holiday season :-)
Sitting at home in sunny Auckland catching up with emails having been away from any sort of computer for 2 weeks. I'm still on holiday which means I have time to browse through some links to videos and music that I wouldn't usually have the luxury of time to do so. This video on Vimeo caught my esoteric mix of the abstract and the everyday, underpinned with a sublime choice of soundtrack ("Lost in a Moment" by 'Shrift'
lost in a moment from dennis wheatley on Vimeo.