Monday, January 19, 2009

Approaches to developing a programme for educating students (and staff) about academic conduct and misconduct

Abstract: Sensitive consideration of general guidelines at the planning and subsequent stages of implementing an innovation, as well as the development of associated 'support' programmes, can lead to greater uptake (Bonk, Cummings, Hara, Fischler, & Lee, 2000). This report considers some underlying considerations and then suggests and critiques two approaches to developing a programme for educating students (and staff) about academic conduct/misconduct and possible strategies to avoid plagiarism.

Please reference as: Owen, H. (2007). Approaches to developing a programme for educating students (and staff) about academic conduct and misconduct using Turnitin. Auckland: Unitec New Zealand.

Approaches to developing a programme for educating students (and staff) about academic conduct and misconduct

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