Sunday, February 1, 2015

Adam Fletcher's willingness to share his expertise, his drive to support youth, and his ability to challenge entrenched thinking, never fail to inspire me! So, it was great to find that Adam had been working hard to write and make available his latest book, which I highly recommend: A Short Introduction to Youth Engagement in the Economy FREE (81 pgs, 2015).

Over the last six months, Adam explains, he has "written more than a dozen articles about youth engagement in the economy" (source) that cover some of the "most forward-thinking about economic youth engagement" (source). He has compiled them into a publication, weaving the key themes together, and adding a number of important points.

Some of the questions he asks to help raise awareness in specific contexts include:
  • What opportunities are there for youth engagement in the economy through your workplace, program, organization, school or community
  • What does youth engagement cost?
  • How is youth engagement funded?
  • How is youth engagement financed (e.g., parents, building partnerships, government sources, making better use of resources, etc.)?
  • How is youth engagement in the economy sustained in your community?" (p. 77)
In the guide, Adam is "addressing youth employment, youth entrepreneurship, youth training, youth banking, youth programs, school classes and other activities" (source). He suggest that employers, youth workers, teachers, and others committed to building the economy through youth engagement, would find the guide of interest.

If you have already downloaded and read the book, please share with your networks. You can also check out Adam's other free guides, on his website. Please support Adam's amazing work.

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