Monday, March 11, 2013

Could learning analytics lead to the ‘Wal-Martification’ of Higher Education?

As a self-professed skeptic of learning analytics (I'm still not totally convinced they are great for the learner...even if they might be a great tool for education institutions), I was reassured to hear Gardner Campbell (director of professional development and innovative initiatives at Virginia Tech) speak so well. Campbell speaks of the possibility that learning analytics might 'dumb down' higher education. He also suggests that the learning analytics as a concept should support our notion of education should be, as well as reflecting positive learning experiences rather than focussing on information...especially that related to 'failure'.

For a full overview (and access to the interesting comments that follow, click here. I would highly recommend checking out the podcast, which is part of the Chronicle's Tech Therapy offering, hosted by Jeff Young and Warren Arbogast.

Download this recording as an MP3 file, or subscribe to Tech Therapy on iTunes.

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